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About the Center for Teaching and Learning

The Appalachian College Association’s Center for Teaching & Learning serves as a forum for the consortium’s faculty and staff members to learn about and share innovative practices in pedagogy, student development, and student support with their colleagues across member institutions. As a consortium-wide endeavor promoting collaboration across many colleges and universities, the Center provides access to resources beyond what is available on single campuses. As with each of the Association’s member institutions, the Center aspires to model a culture of excellence in teaching and mentoring and a commitment to student learning and development.


The Appalachian College Association’s Center for Teaching & Learning seeks to cultivate student-centered, evidence-based, innovative, and inclusive approaches to teaching and learning and to foster a culture of excellence in the scholarship of teaching and learning among the consortium’s faculty and staff.


The Center furnishes a consortium-wide, virtual forum for resources, consultation, and collaboration dedicated to excellence and innovation in student learning and development with emphasis on the opportunities and challenges of the Appalachian region. As a collaborative forum for professional development among its member institutions, the Center:

  • Cultivates student-centered, evidence-based best practices and innovations in teaching and mentoring and in student learning, development, and support;
  • Promotes collaboration, consultation, dialogue, and reflection among colleagues across member institutions;
  • Supports faculty’s and staff’s continual improvement and attention to excellence in support of student learning and development; and
  • Addresses the challenges and opportunities related to ensuring inclusive, accessible, and effective learning environments supporting success for students from a wide diversity of backgrounds and within the context of Appalachia.


The Center for Teaching & Learning is administered by a four-person Board, selected from ACA member institutions and reporting to the ACA’s Vice President for Academic Programs.

Current Board Members include:

  • Dr. Kelly Bremner, Professor of Theatre, Emory & Henry University
  • Prof. Heather Taylor, Associate Professor of English, Bethany College
  • Dr. Bryan Poole, Professor of Psychology, Lee University
  • Dr. Larry Hall, Vice President for Academic Programs, Appalachian College Association

In addition to the Board, the CTL is supported by the Teaching & Learning Committee of its Council of Chief Academic Officers (CCAO), which advises on the general strategic operations of the Center. This Committee includes nine members: 1.) the Board members; 2.) three representatives from the Council of Chief Academic Officers; 3.) the ACA’s Director of Library Services; 4.) a Library Director liaison from the Council of Library Directors; and 5.) the ACA’s Vice President for Academic Programs, who serves as chair of the Committee.