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Appalachian College Association
Collaborating for Appalachian Higher Education

Entrepreneurship Alliance: Home

The ACA's Entrepreneurship Alliance is a consortium-wide endeavor to share expertise and events related to the study and propagation of entrepreneurship at our member institutions – especially as it relates to the opportunities and challenges of our Appalachian region.

Alliance members commit to sharing their expertise in curriculum, staff, and programs to cultivate entrepreneurial education and activities on our campuses and to increase access among our students, faculty, and staff to events, speakers, and other educational opportunities. Through these collaborations, we increase our students’ diversity of learning experiences, enhance our faculty’s and staff’s professional development, and cultivate increased relationships with our broader communities.

In its role, the ACA facilitates collaboration among Alliance members, which may include, among other possibilities, these activities:

  • Members’ sharing of consultation, events, and other programs with students, faculty, and staff at other member institutions;
  • Ongoing dialogue among faculty and staff with professional interests in the teaching and promotion of entrepreneurship in their classes, on their campuses, and in their communities beyond their institutions;
  • Enhancement of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial education across the region through the activities of our member institutions;
  • Collaborations to share our expertise across our schools and the region to cultivate commercial and social entrepreneurship;
  • Preparation for and implementation of “pitch” competitions and other high impact student learning experiences regarding the study and application of entrepreneurship; and
  • Ongoing efforts to seek and secure external funding to support these and other collaborations and educational efforts related to entrepreneurial learning and programming.

To sustain this endeavor, the ACA facilitates a formal advisory group comprised of campus representation from member institutions. The group meets regularly to share ideas and practices and support program development and other collaborations among members.

Alliance Campus Representatives

ACA member institutions provide campus representatives who constitute the Alliance's Advisory Committee, committed to promoting the goals of this initiative.

Member Institution Campus Representative
Alice Lloyd College Lisa Stepp
Berea College Ian Norris
Bethany College Amy Van Horn
Bluefield University Angela Cline
Bryan College Brittany Wyatt
Campbellsville University Preston Jones
Carson-Newman University John Morris
Davis & Elkins College Susan Aloi
Ferrum College Timothy Durham
Johnson University John Stricklen
King University Jason Caudill
Lee University Shane Griffith
Lees-McRae College Amy Anderson
Lenoir-Rhyne University Ali Oguz
Lincoln Memorial University Kelsey Metz
Lindsey Wilson College Linda Grider & Cathy Boatright
Mars Hill University Sabrina Delk
Maryville College Gabie Kerr
Milligan University Kim Melinsky
Montreat College Tim Shanahan
Tennessee Wesleyan University Anne Montgomery
Tusculum University Matt Sweeny & David Hite
Union Commonwealth University Carolyn Payne
University of Charleston Lisa McCool
University of Pikeville Jared Arnett
University of the South Eric Zinn
Warren Wilson College Wendy Selimann
West Virginia Wesleyan College Tracie Dodson
Wheeling University Zahra Mohebbi
Young Harris College Ian Oxman

Community Connections

Our ACA member institutions' engagement through entrepreneurship and other business endeavors is but one example of how deeply connected our schools are with their surrounding communities.  Our schools serve as beacons for their communities - making the world beyond their campuses rich laboratories for student learning, for cultivating beneficial partnerships, and for sharing educational and cultural opportunities with community members young and old. We encourage you to explore the many "community-facing" programs and events that ACA members share with their regions.