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2024 Ledford Scholars Award Recipients: Home

2024 Ledford Scholars Award Recipients

The Appalachian College Association is very pleased to announce the award recipients for this year's Ledford Scholars Program. These undergraduate students are provided financial support enabling them to work on a significant research project during the 2024 summer or fall terms. Scholars will receive assistance from their faculty mentors at their home institutions. Upon completion of their projects, the Scholars provide a video presentation of their research findings, which is recognized and made available for viewing on the ACA's website at the end of the fall semester.

Ledford Scholar ACA Institution Academic Major(s) Research Project Title Faculty Mentor(s)
Erin Achauer Lincoln Memorial University Art Contemporary Folklore and Art in the Age of the Internet Abigail Heiniger
Aubree Bagwell Lee University Biology,  Ecology/ Environmental Science Emphasis An Evaluation of Streamside Salamander Survey Methods and Citizen Science Accuracy on Species Richness and Abundance in Johnston Woods Michael Freake
Spencer Baldwin Lincoln Memorial University Conservation Biology, Wildlife Management Track Utilizing Presence Only Prediction to Model Morchella diminutiva Distribution Barbara Shock
Emma Bradley Tusculum University Psychology Police Traits: Learned or Inherent Robert Gall
Christian Callejas Lee University Business Administration "Ring by Spring": The Modern Appeal of Early Marriage in Christian and Secular Colleges Ruth Wienk
Tia Cobb Union Commonwealth University Biology Passerellidae and Parulidae Bill Morphology and Its Effects on Speciation Libby Megna
Lauren Cooper Young Harris College Interdisciplinary Studies The Effects of Perceived Musculoskeletal Injury Pain on Physical Activity Performance Benjamin Van Dyke
Katilee Croft Lincoln Memorial University Conservation Biology Developing Environmental DNA Protocol to Detect Populations of the Wehrle’s Salamander (Plethodon wehrlei) Barbara Shock
Hannah Cure Lincoln Memorial University Pre-Veterinary Health Sciences Synthesis and Physicochemical Properties of Acetaminophen Derivatives with a Fluorine Substituent on the Aromatic Ring Thomas Shell
Priscilla Doran Bryan College Mathematics and English Literature Exploring AI Scholarship and Software: Applications for Secondary and Post-Secondary Education Lynn Russell
Brooklyn Farley West Virginia Wesleyan College Biology Effects of Anthropogenic and Natural Noise on Songbird Vocalization Joseph Niederhauser
Christina Fisher Lenoir-Rhyne University Biochemistry Isolation and Characterization of Antibiotic Compounds Produced by Endophytic Fungi of Invasive Plant Species Joshua Ring
Shealeigh Frazier Lindsey Wilson College Human Services The Relationship between Eating Disorder Manifestation and Appalachian Foodways: Toward an Understanding of a Complex Issue Daniel Schnopp-Wyatt
Argo Fredericksen Emory & Henry College Biology and Chemistry Nicotine State Dependent Learning in Caenorhabditis elegans Jonathan Lindsay
Muhammad Wali Ghayur University of Pikeville Biomedical Sciences Determine the Mechanism of Estrogen-induced G Protein Activation in Coronary Artery Guichun Han
Emily Gietzen Lee University Classics and English Literature The Polemical and Philosophical Context of Tertullian's De Anima Aaron Johnson
Hunter Gohil University of Charleston Applied Computer Science Technology Understanding Algospeak: Dodging the Algorithm Vincent Smith
Kolton Hall University of Pikeville History Folk Religious Ideas and Practices of Central Appalachia and Its Impact on Communal Belonging Rob Musick
Terri Hamilton Lincoln Memorial University English and History Appalachian Women: Folklore, Superstition, and Tradition Abigail Heiniger
Davis Haynes West Virginia Wesleyan College History and Political Science Why Has Labor Union Support for the Democratic Party Declined in the 21st Century? Craig Wiernik
Kristen Hobbs West Virginia Wesleyan College Sociology and Psychology The Effect of Social Media on Individual Body Image Craig Wiernik
Chelsi Jones Emory & Henry College Biology Prevalence of Temporomandibular Joint Osteoarthritis (TMJ-OA) in Canids Correlated with the Presence of Dental Comorbidities George Argyros
Jedda Levy Lees-McRae College Wildlife Biology Distribution and Pathology of Ophidiomyces Ophiodiicola in Wild Snakes at the Elk Valley Preserve in Western North Carolina Michael Osbourn
Connor McGuire University of Pikeville Biology The Role of Two Noncoding RNAs in Memory of Mice Sujin Bao
Brett Miller King University Biology Investigation of Metal-Cation Interactions with Novel Dual-Zwitterionic Alkyne for the Removal of Ions from Water via Precipitation Bradley Baker
Natalie Mueller Lincoln Memorial University Social Work The Relationship between Predisposed Traumatic Factors and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in Veterans' Post-Service Tracy Mims
Alexa Muha University of Pikeville Biomedical Science Detection of Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria in Soil Samples from Southwestern Virginia and Eastern Kentucky Jessica Slade
Amelia Napier Union Commonwealth University Biology A Point-Count Population Study on Breeding Birds of Eastern Kentucky Libby Megna
Graham Nystrom Sewanee - University of the South Biology, Ecology and Biodiversity emphasis Trapped between a Rock and a Soft Place: Predicting the Fate of Diamondback Terrapins (Malaclemys terrapin) in the Face of Multiple Climate and Human Related Threats Kristen Cecala
Jack O'Hare Carson-Newman University Computer Science CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) Training Using Augmented Reality Technologies Henry Suters
Riley Palmer King University Biology and Chemistry Investigating if Nicotine Pretreatment Will Prevent Mitochondrial Degeneration when Exposed to Manzate Kelly Vaughan
Hannah Phillips Maryville College Biology Using Biotic Factors to Detect Naegleria fowleri in East Tennessee Environmental Water Samples Jennifer Brigati
Christian Piercy Lincoln Memorial University Biology Pre-Health Detection of Wnt and β-catenin Proteins in Labidocera Copepods Stan Kunigelis
James Price University of Pikeville Information Technology Management Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Techniques in Diabetes Prediction and Management in Eastern Kentucky Praveen Guraja
Baylee Reasor Emory & Henry College Biology Exploring the Relationships between Social Identity and Heart Rate Variability in College Athletes Brett Frye
Draven Reynolds Campbellsville University Chemistry and Biology Studying the Effect of the Interaction Impairing Mutations on the Structural Dynamic Properties of KCNE3 in Different Environments using EPR Spectroscopy Indra Sahu
Eva Roach University of Pikeville Biomedical Sciences Detection of Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria in Soil Samples from Southwestern Virginia and Eastern Kentucky Jessica Slade
Jaklyn Rutter Maryville College Biochemistry Chemical Analysis of Various Hop Strains Harvested at Maryville College Nathan Duncan
Elizabeth Shaver Montreat College Health Science Chytrid Fungus Surveys in Local Amphibian Populations in Loreto, Peru Joshua Holbrook
Hunter Smathers  Montreat College Exercise Science Effects of Educational Content on Walking Intervention Adherence and Associated Health Outcomes Robyn York
Ethan Stiltner University of Pikeville Business Spiritual Needs and Practices of Homeless Persons in Rural Eastern KY and Southwest WV Rob Musick
Adriane Sweet Emory & Henry College Biology Seasonal Effects of Coccidia Abundance in Goat Kids Brett Frye & Mark Burnham
William Ta Lee University Biochemistry An Intricate Examination of the Efficacy of Carica Papaya Leaf Juice Extract on Diverse Cancer Cell Lines through a Comparative Analysis Jonathan Cornett
John Waters Lee University Biology, Ecology/ Environmental Emphasis A Comparative Survey of Tick Communities on Two Different Properties in Bradley County, Tennessee Michael Freake
Erica Werth University of Pikeville Chemistry and Psychology Determine the Mechanism of How Estrogen Promotes the Effect of Bradykinin on Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase Guichun Han
Hallie Wielfaert Lee University Classics and English Literature "Lord Byron's "The Prophecy of Dante" as Related to its Cultural, Linguistic, and Literary Context" Ashley Mulligan
Dean Wortas Warren Wilson College Sociology Let Kids Be Kids: Exploring the Joy and Resilience of Transgender Youth in Summer Camps Siti Kusujiarti
Faith Yoho West Virginia Wesleyan College Communication "This is the Skin of a Toxic Male, Bella!": Observing Toxic Masculinity within the Twilight Series Alexis de Coning

2024 Ledford Scholars (PDF Version)

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