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Appalachian College Association
Collaborating for Appalachian Higher Education

ACA News

Entrepreneurship Alliance Established

by Larry Hall on January 9th, 2025 | 0 Comments

The ACA is pleased to announce the establishment of its Entrepreneurship Alliance (EA), a consortium-wide endeavor to share expertise and events related to the study and cultivation of entrepreneurship at our member institutions - especially as it relates to the opportunities and challenges of our Appalachian region.

Alliance members share their expertise in curriculum, staff, and programs to promote entrepreneurial education and activities on our campuses and to increase access among our students, faculty, and staff to events, speakers, and other educational opportunities.Through these collaborations, we hope to increase our students' diversity of learning experiences, enhance our faculty's and staff's professional development, and cultivate increased relationships with our broader communities across Appalachia.

Visit the EA webpage to learn more about this initiative and to see how our member institutions connect with their surrounding communities in a myriad of programs and events. ACA schools serve as "beacons" for their communities - making the worlds beyond their campuses rich laboratories for student learning, for building beneficial partnerships, and for sharing educational and cultural opportunities with community members young and old.

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